I'm still here...I haven't defected... ;)
With the Thanksgiving holiday, and my husbands birthday, and Black Friday, I've been soo super busy lately!!! Things are luckily starting to calm down a bit, so I have a quick minute to write to you, so you know I haven't jumped off the face of the earth!!!
I didn't do Thanksgiving dinner at my house, however I did have to clean and prepare a dinner for my husband's family for his birthday plus bake for the house we did attend for dinner, so last week was kind of crazy in that respect.
I was a crazy person and got up at 3am to go to the Black Friday sales. It was not the first time I've done it, but it has been quite a few years since I've gone. This year was more necessary because as my daughter gets older and money gets tighter, finding a good deal on toys is almost a necessity...
I ended up going to Target, Toys R Us, Jo-Ann Fabrics, Home Depot, Michaels, & K-Mart. Target was the easiest...I got there after the "crazy-ies" and just before the crowds. I got 3 things, (two more than I expected to get) and was in an out in 15mins.
Then I headed to Toys R Us, where most of the things I wanted were priced right just at 5am. I was early, so I pretty much loaded my cart w/my deals and wandered around. I should have wandered over to the line. I could have spent between 4:15 and 5am in that line! It was the worst line, but it did move quickly.
I then headed over to Home Depot, got my holiday plants and wreaths, then to Jo-Anns. I wanted just one scrapbook and wanted to look at the Butterick patterns, (as they were only $1)...they didn't have x1 available that I wanted!!! :( I did pick up a Ott Lite...a pretty good deal come to find out, (under $15!). It's not the exact one I had wanted, but I still like it a lot!
Lastly was Michaels and K-Mart. First off, I HATE K-Mart, (almost as much as I hate Wal-Mart!), but they had a good deal on something I wanted. I picked up my one thing...waited in line for 45mins, was next to pay and their registers crashed. I threw the item on the counter and walked out! I ended up coming home, purchasing online and I'll pick up in store later today...much easier!!!
Micheals experience was almost just as bad!!! I bought three things that weren't on sale until Saturday! They loaded up my cart w/my bags, then someone else got me a new cart, transferred my bags and left a bag of stuff behind, (that they've since mis-placed)... and their register didn't accept their own coupons...needless to say, I will not be venturing back there anytime soon!!! :P
Well, after all that, we are finally settled from the Holiday!!! Except that now I've got to start the decorating... :) So I'm not sure how much more mini-ing you are going to see at least this week. Hopefully things will be calmed down enough for me to mini next week... :)
wow, you are so brave! I've never shopped on black friday. I'm glad you survived it, haha!