Thursday, April 19, 2012

Dry-Fit #1!

I have been patiently waiting(alright, maybe not patiently) for my 2-story addition kit to arrive so I could finally do my first dry-fit of the house...and it did!!!

I was finally able to start the dry-fit process.  Dry-fit is where the house is built without glue or nails or anything permanent at this point.  It is important to dry-fit so you get a feel for how the build of the structure goes together, what you do wrong at this point can still be corrected.  Doing a dry-fit is great to get some perspective on the house.  For me, I'm still playing around with where the addition kit will go, where the garage will go, and if I want to flip the house entirely!!! :)

Here is the first floor with the addition on the right side, as opposed to the left shown above...
Here is the second floor...this is as far as I've gotten so far.  The addition kit is moved away from the house at this point, and the side walls to the right are missing, as they are comprising my garage. 
I'm very happy with the proportion of the garage to the house.  I think it came out perfectly.  I can't wait to see this a bit further along!!! :)

You will also note that there is no foundation yet.  I am undecided on how I want to finish the foundation at this point, and whether or not the garage will even have a foundation.  I intend to build the house, the garage and the addition kit as separate pieces, not all one unit, so they can be moved around with ease later. 

I still have much more to do, the house is still kinda talking to me, telling me what I should do, what I should change, keep, etc.  In the meantime, I have been keeping myself busy with priming and sanding...there is very minimal sanding and painting for me to do (as compared to a house where the exterior is not pre-finished), so I'm trying to get as much of it done as possible.

This build is very interesting once you get down to it.  It's a system of wall sections and connectors.  These connectors must go in the correct direction or it will throw the entire house build off.  If you are working on this house also, please reference the directions as much as you need to in order to ensure the proper direction of the connectors at all times. 
Here are some of the connectors...
Looks like that's all for now...stay tuned for more... :)

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