Friday, December 9, 2011

"The best laid plans..."

"of mice and men often go awry..."

I should never start a process with a plan and an intention.  It never really works out that way.  It's better when I have no idea and fly by the seat of pants!  I had every intention of starting my wiring on the farmhouse this week, and then my real-life and my miniature life got in the way. 

I am waiting on that final electrical part in order to get going.  I told you previously that I worked out a detailed electrical plan and I'm worried that if I begin the process without the missing piece, I might get confused.   

There are about a x1000 things going on in my RL right now, mostly because it's the Holiday season, and that's probably a fact for a lot of others as well.  So I don't feel too badly that I've been almost too busy, (even if the part had arrived) to work on the house. 

On top of all of this, can you believe that I am debating (at least) x2 other houses!?!  I wonder if it's a sickness... it seems to be going around, at least in my mini-areas!!! 

We will have to see what transpires...

Finally I will end this week by saying a big "Hello!!!" to my new follower Cote... :)  Thanks for joining... :)

1 comment:

  1. What a pretty blog you have! I'm so glad I found your blog today! Welcome to my Big Miniatures Giveaway here:
